WHat We Do



Great crisis management is about more than doubling down with your usual trusted advisors. Calling upon those who have led and stood alongside leadership in high-risk, high-pressure environments is vital.

Our expert advisors provide year-round 24/7 counsel to help clients achieve the best outcomes in the toughest situations. This can be hands on as part of in-house response teams or out-of-hours advice as risks rapidly escalate or evolve.

In a crisis, while information is often unverified or incomplete, noise can be deafening. Stakeholders seek reassurance when situations are at their most volatile and unpredictable.

Reputation is built on actions, words follow. We help clients to identify what matters most, define priorities and take considered decisions to address the heart of the challenge.

– terrorist attacks, cyber-crime, air and rail accidents – enabling them to step back and stay focused on achieving the best long-term outcomes.

When the storm passes, we also evaluate its impact and plan recovery, identifying residual risks as well as understanding stakeholder expectations and how to best deliver to them.